Last week, I unfortunately had quite a bit of stock stolen out of my car. After a few days, I got a lovely message via my Etsy shop saying that my hats had been found. Hurrah!!! Then, radio silence from my "good samaritan" for 5 days. Until today that is, when I was notified that my hats would only be returned if I paid a reward.
These kind folk, who are starting to sound more and more like the thieves, are holding my hats hostage! I told them I'm not negotiating for their return. Maybe I've watched too many crime dramas but rule #1 is that you don't negotiate with the hostage takers. I told them they should return them because it's the right thing to do. They came back with a not so pleasant response and said they wanted $10 a hat (there were over 100 stolen!) or they would throw them out or sell them. Which leads me to why I'm writing this message.
As many of you know, I hand make everything I sell. I sell in-person at farmers' markers and craft shows. My customers value the handmade and meeting the artisans behind the products. I know most of you are probably not looking for handmade crafts in back alleys. However, if someone does come up to you to sell you a hat, or you happen across a Kijiji/EBay post listing Sugar Soul hats, drop me a line at That would really be something for the police to go on.
In the meantime, I am steadfastly sewing my big heart out to make enough stock for the upcoming spring shows. This is just a little blip in the grand scheme of things. I'll be at Indie Handmade, Our Best to You in Red Deer and then the Spring Butterdome Show. Hope to see you there!
Much love,