Thursday, October 22, 2015

Cut, Sew, Stitch, Knit, Repeat...

!!OCTOBER !!!  

As quickly as the leaves change, so does my schedule.  It is definitely a month of transition here at Sugar Soul Studio.  New markets, new shows, new fabrics, new styles!

The Tantallon Village Farmer's Market, where I sell outdoors every Tuesday from June-October, wrapped up just before Thanksgiving.  We had one of our busiest seasons ever.  

My first season at Hags on the Hill, in beautiful Peggy's Cove, will finish when the shop closes up for the winter at the end of the month.  The shop occupies space in a house built in 1812, with picture postcard views from every window.  If you haven't been, try to get yourself down there before Halloween.  Hags on the Hill will reopen next June.  

Now, with summer firmly in the rear view mirror, I'm spending most of my waking hours at the sewing machine and cutting table, getting ready for Christmas shows and markets.  I'll have just six more Saturdays at the Halifax Seaport Market before it is Christmas.  Can you believe that?  I'll be away for some of the Saturday markets to attend shows in Rothesay, Toronto and Edmonton (the dates for these shows are just to the right).  

New fall colours
View from behind Hags on the Hill
Sugar Soul hats inside Hags on the Hill
New knits and patterns coming soon to my ETSY shop